The uniforms worn by Argentines when the British attacked Buenos Aires (1806) and the blue ribbons worn by patriots in 1810 may have been the origin of the celeste-white-celeste flag hoisted on Feb. 12,1812. The flag's golden "sun of May" was added on Feb. 25,1818, to commemorate the yielding of the Spanish viceroy in 1810.

Location of Patagonia

Official name: República Argentina (Argentina Republic).

Form of government: federal republic with two legislative houses (Senate [72]; Chamber of Deputies [257]).

Head of state and government: President.

Population (1998): 36,125,000.

Population projection: (2000) 37,032,000; (2010) 41,474,000.

Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995-2000): 12.0 (world avg. 15.7).

Gross national product (1996): U.S.$295,131,000,000 (U.S.$8,380 per capita).

Land use (1994): forest 18.6%; pasture 51.9%; agriculture 9.9%; other 19.6%.

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