Established on Dec. 16, 1962, Nepal's flag consists of two united pennant shapes; it is the only non-rectangular national flag in the world. In the upper segment is a moon with a crescent attached below; in the bottom segment appears a stylized sun. The symbols are for different dynasties and express a hope for the immortality of the nation. The crimson and blue colors are common in Nepali art.
Location of Nepal
Official name: Nepal Adhirajya (Kingdom of Nepal).

Form of government: constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament consisting of two legislative houses (National Council [60]; House of Representatives [205]).

Chief of state: King.

Head of government: Prime Minister.

Population (1998):

Population projection: (2000) 23,042,000; (2010) 28,698,000.

Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1997): 25.4 (world avg. 15.7).

Land use (1994): forested 42.0%; meadows and pastures 14.6%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 17.2%; other 26.2%.

Gross national product (1996): U.S.$4,710,000,000 (U.S.$210 per capita).
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