The 1952 revolt against British rule established the red-white-black flag with a central gold eagle. Two stars replaced the eagle in 1958, and in 1972 a federation with Syria and Libya was formed, adding instead the hawk of Quraysh (the tribe of Muhammad). On Oct. 9, 1984, the eagle of Saladin (a major 12th-century ruler) was substituted.

Location of Egypt

Official name: Jumhuriyah Misr al-'Arabiyah (Arab Republic of Egypt).

Form of government: republic with one legislative house (People's Assembly [454]).

Chief of state: President.

Head of government: Prime Minister.

Population (1998): 63,261,000.

Population projection: (2000) 65,627,000; (2010) 77,345,000.

Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1997): 19.0 (world avg. 15.7).

Gross national product (1996): U.S.$64,275,000,000 (U.S.$1,080 per capita).
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